Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wrapping it up

I swear to you, I put my camera away for a few days just because I need to.
So, envision what today held.
Cookie was sitting under the tree with some newly wrapped presents, holding a special one that Audrey was able to open this morning...new cupcake earrings..Thanks cookie!
As I wrapped presents last night, I used two great ideas that I will share...I bought stamps A, S, J, M for Christmas morning presents, so for each present, I simply stamped the initial of the person...for my mom I stamped MJ. Also, I added some cute mini prints of audrey in pic tags for gifts for my In Laws, even my neieces, who love their baby cousin...they are 18 and 22, so they appreciate her in a way the littler ones do not.
I am cleaning out my closets today and the whole house...WHEW, I craft too much...Is that possible?

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