Friday, December 7, 2012


Cookie was reading to her friends this morning.
Our plans for today were a no go with the funeral of our dear friend Mark being our place for today.
I just want to say GOD BLESS my kiddos TEACHERS...ALL OF THEM...not just the ones she has everyday, but the ones who she sees as substitutes, etc....They blessed us today by taking our kiddo on a day that wasnt her own and keeping her while we took part in funerals services.  They were just so gracious to us today!!!
The holidays are so easy for me to get caught up in...this blog is proof positive of that, but it is also proof positive that every mom that plans well will miss her mark sometimes.  God has a way of sitting us down and saying Hey, this isnt as important as you think. So Santa Garden wasnt as important as standing behind my husband and supporting him today as we said goodbye to a dear friend.
So, maybe I didnt make a craft or dessert today or even yesterday, today I served my friends and family in a different way.

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