Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Swedish Christmas

Cookie was strapped in a car seat this morning, complete with a gold Lame' Barbie Coat waiting for Audrey to meet her on her way to preschool.

Audrey came home today with a cute little filled wooden shoe( made of construction paper). Today her class celebrated Christmas like they were in Sweden. The name for Santa in Sweden is Jultomten. Swedish children place a wooden shoe out for Santa to fill with treats. She was so darn excited.
Her shoe had our Christmas Snowman covered candy bar in it that we took as a treat today!

Then, we made some special candy for her Elf Party this Sunday, chocolate covered oreos.  My SIL, Samantha, can make candy unlike anyone I, not so much.  But they didnt turn out toooo bad, and they taste alright...I know because I ate one. May I just say that is enough sugar to keep your system high for 3 days! Whew!

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