Saturday, December 8, 2012

A crazy busy beautiful day

Today, Cookie was found in mommy's jewelry box, trying on my necklaces and bracelets.
It was quite a busy day.
First, we got all dressed up and headed to UAFD for the Open House complete with Santa arriving on the firetruck.  AWESOME, Such a good Santa and the kids had a ball!

Even Jim and I got in on the action.
After that, Audrey and I went home, changed clothes and headed to Fort Hunter for their Christmas Festivities.  I have to give them an A PLUS, we pet a reindeer, had hot cocoa, visited with Mrs. Claus, Shopped, voted for our favorite cool tree, visited a toy train exhibit that was amazing, and so much more...We had a blast. We spent about 1 hr there.  I highly recommend going.

Then, later this evening, we went to Christian Life Assembly's play the Gospel according to Scrooge! This is my second year.  I took my in laws, niece Kendra, and nephew Parker.  Better this year than last! This church knows how to put on a play! Broadway quality!
What an awesome day!!

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