Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Snowman Candy Bar Wraps

My mom found this cute little snowman candy bar wrap.
Such a great little inexpensive gift to give.
So, tonight I tried my hand at making one my own way
All you need is some plain white printer paper, markers, fabric, scissors, glue( I used a hot glue gun for the little bit of gluing that I needed to do) and ribbon.
It turned out pretty cute, even cuter than the one my mom gave.

Then, I mixed up some "Sooth Your Tired Soul" bath soak.
Mix up Epsom Salts and Sea Salt with essential oils. I used Peppermint and Eucalyptus. A few scoops in your hot bath water and it clears your sinuses and draws out impurities, and relaxes your tired muscles.
I use about 20 drops of essential oil to 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup epsom salt.
I put them in great parmesan cheese like shakers that I got from the Dollar Store, cut a square of fabric to cover the top and screw the lid on, viola! I have a fun wooden tag to add, but you can spruce them up any way you like.

The Elf was so fun this morning. I had Cookie sitting in the bathroom behind a wheelbarrow that was pushing a bunch of cotton ball "snow balls". I captured Audrey on Video and her reading of the note was so funny. But for some reason my video cant upload on here.
So a picture will have to suffice.

Happy Holidays!


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