Friday, November 23, 2012

Leftover PVC pipe & a plan

Thats what today looks like, and I didnt even know it! yesterday I was cleaning out out storage room to prep all the christmas bins and I found a few odds and ends that needed to be used up or tossed.
One of those things: a bin of PVC pipe and elbows and connectors that my husband had when he made marshmellow guns for our nieces and nephews 4 years ago. 4 LONG years ago and the PVC pipe was shoved in the corner of a basement. So I got to thinking, if I had a diagram, I could make use of this pvs pipe and make my own Marshmellow guns.
Audrey loved helping and Molli, our dog, loved chasing and gobbling up the marshmellows that we were "test shooting"! I realized after the first one was fitted together that for a small kiddo, the gun has to be cut into shorter pvc pipe portions to fit their hands and breath force.
Here is the diagram I used:
And here is a pic of the fun we had!
For today, our activity will be looking for some little treats during Black Friday shopping with mom mom when she gets here.
AND, we decorated Audrey's animal tree. Beautiful felt animal ornaments.

We got out 30 Christmas books to enjoy and placed them in a sleigh. We will read a new Holiday book every day.
Most importantly, we decorated our house for christmas AND introduced COOKIE our elf on the shelf to our family. we watched her movie and read her book.
Cheers to Christmas!

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