Tuesday, March 19, 2013


In the spur of the moment, when I realized it had snowed last night.. I ran to my PC and typed in: Snow ICe Cream.  My Aunt Linda, God rest her soul, the woman was like McGuyver with a crochet hook, a Guardian Serviceware pot, and a bag of flour, had made me snow ice cream once when I was an adult.
Sure enough, Paula Deen, yep truly, had a recipe for it.
8 cups of snow( the fresh kind)
1 14 oz container of sweet condensed milk
3 tablespoons of Vanilla.
I ran outside, and scooped up 8 cups, thru then in a metal mixing bowl.
Opened and poured in the sweet milk
poured in some vanilla and VIOLA....Delightfulness.
Next, I got the idea that it was so sweet I could easily add Bakers chocolate powder, so I did.
This is perfect for a heavier wet snow...like shaved ice.
Jim enjoyed a chocolate snow milkshake.
Audrey and I enjoyed both vanilla and chocolate bowls of the delectable treat from nature ( sorta).
I posted it on FB and within 2 hrs, I had 3 or 4 friends do the same. Stop complaining about the snow, and EAT IT!

Now the next time it snows, you will to.

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