Thursday, November 22, 2012

There truly is no place like HAPPY for the holidays

Let the holiday immersion begin!
The turkey has left the building.
Welcome to the next 39 craziest most fun filled and most importantly FAITH filled days of my 2012.
As promised, I will be doing 5 things every day for the next 39 days...I will probably miss a few "things" here and there, as I get older I forget...and goodness knows I can only do SO MUCH!  But, I will try my very best to:  1.  Create and Share a fun recipe everyday. 2. Create and Share a fun craft every day. 3. Share my wacky Elf on the shelf ideas. 4.  Take part in a local activity or business and share what I think of it, there is a calendar listed on a previous post, so anyone is welcome to join us on days that we head somewhere local.  5. Share our advent activity ( starts December 1st).

So today, we started decorating our home for Christmas. It looks like Clark Griswold decorated my house. And, I am sure it will only get tackier when we put the blow up Santa in a Helicopter on our roof.  LOL!  I spent the last 4 christmases "baby proofing" the house, but Audrey is now 3 and everyday she asks if it is Christmas. I cant wait to show her a wonderful time.
We enjoyed a delectable Thanksgiving meal at my inlaws this afternoon.
I made each of my Sister in Laws and MIL homemade sugar scrub and I made my niece and nephews Pumpkin peep smores.  I think that they were both a hit.
As my contribution to the holiday meal, I made peanut butter balls.  Easy , easy , easy to make: pb, powered sugar, freeze, roll in melted chocolate and let sit.  YUMMO!
The most fun part of the day was prepping "Cookie" to make her first appearance tomorrow.
She is our Elf on the Shelf.  We picked a girl and we even bought her a skirt.
Looking forward to sharing the next 39 fun filled days with her.

So now I have a sleeping kiddo on the couch and I am ready to hit the hay, so that tomorrow, I can begin this super fun time with you!


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